Thursday, July 21, 2011

Microcontroller-based Infusion Bottle Monitoring using Wireless Communication

1.        The Title
 Microcontroller-based Infusion Bottle Monitoring using Wireless Communication
2.        Title Background
In this technological era, many people who create tools to facilitate human work and to create comfort for every joint of life, including health sector also require advances in technology to provide good service to patients. Sometimes the replacement of water infusion of the patient's family must notify the guard room that the water drip out. If on this night must be very inconvenient. Therefore, inspired by the tool "nurse call 'that already exist in each patient room, I try to create a detection system based on AVR microcontroller infusion patients.
Taking advantage of IC ATmega8535 microcontroller as the central controller and limit switches that function pressure sensor to create this system. Then, using wireless communication using RFM module 12B, the information that the infusion of water discharged can be sent directly to the guard room in the form of display on the PC. So that families do not have to bother to tell patients to keep the space that the water drip out.

3.        Supporting Equipments
 a.      spring balance
 for hanging infusion bottle, which has been designed with limit switches
 b.      limit switches
 as a sensor when the infusion bottle is low, so that limit switches depressed and send    information to a central microcontroller.
 c.      AVR Microcontroller
 as sensors using IC AVR family of microcontrollers
 d.      PC/Laptop
 to display information ending infusion bottle

4.        Working System
How it Works:
a.    Sensor limit switches work when the infusion bag is empty
b.   Because using a spring balance, when the infusion bag is empty, it automatically springs to  contract and push the button on the limit switches
c.   After the sensors work, information is sent and processed on ATmega8535 microcontroller via a wireless module RFM 12B.
d.   The final results will be displayed on a PC / Laptop.

5.        Benefit
  •              assist nurses in monitoring the infusion of the patient.
  •        give information out to the nurse infusion
  •        and to lighten the work of nurses.

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